February 2022 - Update

Hello everyone! Happy February!

Writing this a little later than I had originally wanted, but hey, better late than never right?

2022 has been an interesting and busy year already, even just over a month in. I had an impromptu visit to California in late January, which shuffled things around. I think I've finally started really settling into my temporary spot in North Carolina (I'm basing this off of the fact that I didn't fully clean my room until yesterday). I'm still not sure what to do about my hair, and I spent last Tuesday drawing comics every hour for Hourly Comic Day, while also spamming my lunar new year art. It's been fun!

With regards to my resolutions and goals, let's see how I've been doing so far!

First Quarter Goals:

Strength Training

I did start lifting weights on a semi regular basis (around once a week) but dropped off starting last week. I've been meaning to get back into it, especially as I found a playlist I liked. The weather's just been so cold I don't want to do anything by nap! lol

Saving Money

Definitely well on my way to achieving my quarterly goals, even with some last minute traveling and future travel plans.

Cryptid Storyboards

I hit my goal number of scenes last month without too much of a problem, but I'm running into some procrastination this month. Regardless, I feel pretty good about knocking these out too. At this point, the short is about 1/3 boarded which makes me very pleased!

Final Patreon Commissions



Fill out 5 year journal every day

Still going strong!

52 New Things

I've got 10 entries so far, although most of them are films or TV series I watched for the first time. I did also start playing a new game (Pokemon Legends and Chicory!)

The rest of my resolutions I either detailed in my quarterly goals, I'm unable to start for logistic reasons, or I just haven't made much progress in (I'm looking at my Scrabble goals here...)

In terms of my content schedule though, I completed just about everything I needed to for January, which was a very good feeling! The one place I didn't do so hot in was editing my podcast and vlogs. I decided to drop my video goal to once a month rather than twice a month, especially since they tend to be long form, and added a third episode to my podcast editing list for this month. I've already started checking things off for this month, especially in the comics department. I have a few long-form ideas that I'm excited about for later in the year, and have really just gotten in the habit of taking notes for comic ideas and drawing the ones that inspire me immediately.

Lastly, I wanted to share my lunar new year art (and also my February Patreon reward) here! I'm so happy with how it came out, I ended up making 2 versions hahaha. Now I have to think about what to draw for March...

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading about my progress!


"Follow Your Dreams!" Opossum Sticker Process


Painting a Mandarin Duck