How to Draw "Me" from "This Is My Life Now"
Hey guys!So this post is inspired by a question I received from one of my readers. While they didn't ask how to draw my character, they did ask for tips on the sort of cute, cartoon webtoon style, and I thought a drawing tutorial of my character might help!I'll be putting out a video later this week or next that might do a better job showing exactly HOW I draw the strokes, but if you prefer the old school art-book way, then stick around!So I'll be showing you how to draw myself, in the TIMLN style, in this pose:I drew this digitally, but if you don't have the software, no worries! You can follow along with pencil and pen! Just make sure to draw lightly with the pencil, and test your pen and eraser to make sure the eraser is clean and the ink doesn't smear. For the digital inking, if you're afraid of messing up your pencil sketch, get another piece of paper and trace on top!
I really hope that was informative! If you're drawing yourself, and struggling with differentiating yourself in the face area, try playing around with the face shape, nose shape, and hairstyle! I personally find those three features can make a huge difference between otherwise similar looking characters. If you followed along, whether digitally or traditionally, I'd love to see your work! Be sure to tag me @corinneiskorean on Instagram, or you can post in the comments or use the contact me page if you're shy about your artwork.As always, thanks for reading! And let me know if you have any questions I can clarify :)