The Official First Post
[this post was written back when the blog was called “Corinne is Korean”]
Hello everyone! Happy New Year!
If you’re reading this, you’re either one of my first readers right after I’ve launched this blog, or you're a new reader who's just heard about this amazing super successful blog with content so good you had to consume the entire backlog and you’ve finally made it to the last page. In either case, congratulations! And thank you!
image of party poppers or something
My name is Corinne, and I am indeed of Korean heritage. At least 37% according to 23andMe, but for simplicity we’ll just go by my parentals and say half. Also, it’s crucial you pronounce my name Kor-Reen, since a) it’s how my name is pronounced, and b) the name of this blog makes 1000% more sense. Aint no “kerrinn” in this joint. Some of you may know me from my webcomic “This is My Life Now.” If you didn’t know that, I draw a webcomic called “This is My Life Now.” It is about: my life.
Some of you may just know me in real life. Thanks for continuing to consume all the content I post on FB. It is greatly appreciated. And some of you have no idea who I am or what’s going on and are thinking of opening a new tab to watch anime or Netflix. All valid!
I’d like to take a hot second to thank everyone for reading this. You guys are awesome. And very patient.
In an attempt to cement myself as a Serious Artist™ I’m starting an art blog! Yes! That’s what this is supposed to be!
I’m not new to blogging. I actually have a couple still up. They're not really running, but they are live. And abandoned. While I had fun writing the occasional post, my issue was a lack of focus and subsequent lack of posting. I think I updated maybe once a month. Maybe. And now, here I am. Attempting to blog again. But this time I have a focus: art! Specifically, my art, and my journey to become an independent artist. Art has always been a competitive field, but today there are more and more people trying to break free and draw for themselves. We’re in the age of the content creator. But too often we only see the end result. The success. It’s great to aspire to, but we don’t realize how hard the journey is. That’s where I’m at. It took me three years to fully realize that what I wanted most was to draw my own art and live off that. It’ll probably take me three years until I’m in the financial position I want. You could argue I started my journey when I posted my first webcomic last January, but I’m still very much at the bottom of the mountain. I’m not an artist with an Etsy store. I don’t have a Society6. I’ve never sold a print. I have a Patreon, and while there are 5 incredible, amazing, beautiful people who were gracious enough to pledge and I am forever grateful for them, it is still nowhere near a reliable income. I’m pretty proud of my follower count across various platforms, but I know it still has a lot to grow.
I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful or asking for your pity. I’m just stating facts. And the fact is, I am not an established independent artist. Yet. And that’s the beauty of this blog, and why I started it in the first place: to document my journey from side gig to full time. Along with pretty pictures, strong opinions, and art tips from someone who most art pros would still consider an amateur.
“But Corinne,” you may ask, “What happens if you don’t succeed? How do you even know you’ll accomplish this? Aren’t you just talking out your ass right now? Sounds pretty cocky to me.”
Fair points. Valid argument. But I already told the universe it’s going to happen. So now I just have to make it happen. Visualization and Law of Attraction, amirite?
I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. I can already foresee tons of complaining, whiny, depressing posts about a lack of motivation and existential dread. But I know this is what I want. So now I’m going to get it, crying and screaming and kicking the entire way. Thank you so much for reading. If you want to take this journey with me, hit that good ol’ follow button, and I’ll see you in your inbox :D